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Brazil and the Creation of a Natural Currency Hedge
“Brazil is a complex country, not a country for beginners.” – Tom Jobim Long-term global investors that choose to invest in Brazil understand Tom Jobin’s quote quite well. These investors have gained expertise, built teams on the ground, and have made money. They may...
A Message from Captain Obvious — “A very slow-witted individual who states the most obvious thing”
Sometimes, something is so obvious that it fails to be noticed. In this newsletter, we explore why investing in Brazil Farm Finance makes sense due to the importance of agriculture in Brazil, dollar-based transactions (no currency risk), and partnering with the right team to execute.
Endurance and Resilience – Not Just For Athletes
An investment makes a ton of sense at the time, but circumstances change drastically. Sound familiar? In this newsletter, we explore a real-world example of this in Brazil, where a perfect storm of bad events doomed a solid investment. Our protagonist’s pure perseverance turned things around in this inspiring story of success against all odds.
Brazil, Chile, and The Search for a Latin American Oasis
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The Constitution, Checklists, and Leadership of the Free World
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No S#*! Sherlock – Solar Energy in Brazil
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Brazil’s Economy – Stuck or The Next Chapter?
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Corruption Crackdowns and Opportunistic Investments in Brazil
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How Perfection Kills Deals: Successfully Source Large-Scale Global Investors
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Opportunistic Real Estate in Brazil: Senior Housing
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The Brazilian Buyer Seller Dance – An American Perspective
As an asset manager in an emerging market, you carry out multiple negotiations to achieve the results you desire. We provide a perspective that may help accelerate your negotiations, particularly on transactions where a fast closing is important. How can you minimize the time needed to reach a mutually agreeable price and terms on a transaction?
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The Next Cycle – A Blueprint for Brazil Asset Managers, Part 1
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The Pendulum Swings – Brazil’s Economy Starts to Rebound
A snapshot of Brazil´s economic shift, from the depth of the recession to the change in outlook and current economic momentum. Proactive strategies for deep value real estate investors at this time in the cycle.
“You Cannot Make A Silk Purse from a Pig’s Ear”: Lessons from Teachey, North Carolina
We visit the small town of Teachey, NC, population 500, and discover that one cannot make a Silk Purse from a Pig’s Ear. We cover why some sellers thought their assets were worth more than their actual market value and how this is changing rapidly based on various pressures. Importantly, we also reveal why this results in large-scale deep value investment opportunities
Who is John Galt? Free Enterprise in Emerging Markets
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“Now It Matters” – Importance of Timing and Deep Value Investments
Timing is almost everything. This newsletter specifically covers the high-return investment opportunity in Brazil’s lot subdivision market.
“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” – Civic Capital in Brazil
Using Gil Scott-Heron’s poetic genius as an introduction, we discuss how Brazilian society is changing and how this creates investment opportunities.
Don Quixote and The Emerging Market Residential Developer
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“The Thrill is Gone” & Currency Hedging
B.B. King’s “The Thrill is Gone” takes us on a journey to Itta Bena, MS where we gain perspective on the Brazilian currency and potential hedging strategies for USD investors.
What if Ronald Reagan was from Rio? Why Politics Matters in Emerging Market Real Estate Investing
Ronald Reagan is not from Rio, but if he were it would be an important fact. This newsletter provides a summary of why politics is important in emerging markets.
The Advantage of a Disadvantage and Other Deep Value Thoughts at 3:30am
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“Cousin Caio” and The Execution of A Deep Value Real Estate Investment Strategy
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Top Ten Lists – Why Emerging Market Asset Managers Cannot Raise Large-Scale Capital
We love Top Ten Lists! Please find the Top Ten Reasons Emerging Market Managers cannot raise large-scale capital
OBAMA, TRUMP, and Brazil Real Estate Asset Manager – What is the Connection?
Obama, Trump
Through the use of the unprecedented elections of Donald Trump and Barack Obama, this newsletter covers why now is an ideal time for emerging market asset managers to partner with large-scale LP capital.
Where is Uncle Mauricio? And Why This Matters for Deep-Value Investors
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Secret Santa Gift from A New Best Friend, Michel Temer, President of Brazil!
Secret Santa is a great tradition! This newsletter covers Michel Temer’s Secret Santa Gift of 2016: a constitutional amendment which limits government spending and assists Brazil’s forward yield curve . Happy Holidays!
Flying Pigs and Brazil Sale Leaseback Real Estate Investment, Is There a Connection?
Flying Pigs are not common, nor are they no-brainer investment opportunities. Quality Sale-Leaseback assets in Brazil may be one of those investment strategies.
Brazil Commercial Real Estate – Post Impeachment
Value investors’ starting gun in Brazil could be defined as President Dilma’s Impeachment date. This newsletter covers why this is the case.