by InDev Capital | Dec 14, 2015 | Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
“Where’s the Beef?” In 1984, there was this fantastic commercial (click on the image below) that really caught the US national attention. It very much reminds one of smart real estate investors as they look at Brazil currently and ask, “Where is the...
by InDev Capital | May 25, 2015 | Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
International Brand Hotels in São Paulo & Rio de Janeiro Thanks to all of those who responded to our initial newsletter about an “Upside of a Downside” here in Brazil. We welcome the discussions and enjoyed meeting you virtually as well as face to face in NYC,...
by InDev Capital | Mar 3, 2015 | Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
I arrived in Brazil in November 2009, the same week of the November 2009 edition of The Economist magazine issue with “Brazil Takes Off” on the cover. It was a very positive article and as a newcomer I was impressed by how much this article boosted the population’s...