by InDev Capital | Apr 12, 2017 | Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
Good Morning!!!!! Yes it actually is 3:30 am as I write this. No, my young daughter is still asleep, I am not mentally ill (or if so I am totally unaware), there was no earthquake in Sao Paulo, and I did not set the alarm for this hour. I simply woke up to share an...
by InDev Capital | Mar 29, 2017 | Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
First of all, thank you for reading this newsletter again. I have to start off with an apology. Last newsletter I introduced you to Uncle Mauricio, “one of the world’s great guys.” I really hope that you enjoyed meeting him! However, I got angry at myself for not...
by InDev Capital | Nov 21, 2016 | Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
In Sao Paulo, when people ask me if I was surprised by the result of the US election I tell them that I felt like I was in an airplane that had reached a 36,000 feet cruising altitude, I just had a nice glass of wine (let’s assume I was in first class!), and I looked...
by InDev Capital | Sep 10, 2016 | Commercial Real Estate, Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
The Bear, The Bull and Human Psyche. “Everything I have experienced suggests that, at core, economic conditions and markets are grounded in the human psyche. That is, confidence or the lack thereof, profoundly affects markets and economies, and confidence in...
by InDev Capital | Jun 15, 2016 | Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
I have been traveling a lot lately (Spain, Johannesburg, South Africa etc) and read as much as possible on long flights. I recently came across this quote from Warren Buffet: “Long ago, Ben Graham taught me that price is what you pay, value is what you get. Whether...
by InDev Capital | Apr 20, 2016 | Commercial Real Estate, Global Deep Value Investor Section, Investment Strategies
Opportunity Some of the best investment strategies often rely on thinking differently or uncovering value that other investors do not see. Often this ability to understand and capture value early leads to selling to the “latecomer” investors at a premium when the...